Wednesday, February 11, 2009

B's Other Women

For the past few months there have been other women in Benjamin's life. That's right--not just one, but 12.

No, he's not a polygamist (although we do love watching Big Love). He's a JV girls basketball coach!

Benjamin has always wanted to be a coach and so when the girls on the team who were also his students begged him to coach he gave in. He's a baseball kind of guy and hadn't played basketball since middle school. It's been interesting to watch Benjamin learn about basketball throughout the season. He reads books about coaching and plays close attention during all games.

His girls love him! We got engaged during their pre-season and they are always excited to be updated on our wedding plans. Apparently he even showed a few of the players the ring before he proposed!

Benjamin is such a good coach (if I do say so myself). The season started out rocky and he didn't have a lot to work with, but it's been so fun to watch the team (and coach) improve throughout the season. I keep the score book so I'm right on the sidelines with them and I'm not gonna lie I beam with pride.

Last night his team, who finally has a winning record, won their district game in the last seconds of overtime and will now be in a playoff game to go to the district championship! It was one of the most exciting games! Watching him coach last night I had one of those moments where I just couldn't believe that I get to marry him. Wow. I am so proud of him and can't wait to spend life: both wins and losses with him.

Do you have moments when you are proud of your significant other?


P.S. Go Tigers!

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