Hello, I'm Mrs. TLC!
Yes, I'm finally back online after taking an extended break for the wedding, honeymoon, and to set our house up.
Do you like the new look? We figured that since we are newlyweds now LA Brides needed a new look too. If you read us from Google Reader (which I love) then it's worth it to click on over to LA Brides for just a hot second to see our updated look.
I have so much to tell you from the long list of things that went wrong before the wedding to sharing our home renovation results with you all. I promise to be more active soon, but being a newlywed is keeping me more busy than I anticipated!
First, it feels good to be married. Really good.
As a former professional bridesmaid, my first question was always "Does it feel weird to be married?" And to be honest I expected being married to feel slightly "weird" myself. Nope. It's different in ways I'm not sure I'm even qualified to describe yet. I have this overwhelming peace that all is well and I really do feel like I can do more now that I'm married. Marriage has brought peace to my life that I never expected it would.
I was never afraid that B would leave me, but marriage has brought an added sense of commitment to our relationship. He's really mine, and I am really his in ways that seem different than before. In other words, we both feel much more "in it together" now.
Our wedding was everything we wanted it to be and I'm so grateful for that, but I'm also glad our marriage has begun.
More to come, promise!
--Mrs. Love
Who are these attractive newlyweds? LA Wives!

Congrats and have a happy life.
Have a wonderful life and i love your necklace!
Love the antique pearl necklace.. wonderful!
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