My younger sister Dana will serve as my MOH. She's my "sisterfriend" and we've been through it all together from fights to once dating brothers we've managed to stay friends despite being near complete opposites. She's athletic, skinny, crafty, hip, and cool. I'm none of those things. There are only 19 months difference in our ages (what was mom thinking!?), but I am proud to have her by my side--plus she's also a professional bridesmaid!

Lauren and I met on the Internet when we were in high school. We had an online class together and then through e-mails decided to room together during college. We spent four years in one room together and became the best of friends. Lauren is someone that is an amazing listener and I know I can always go to for advice. She has an old soul! We always tell people I put the spice in her life and she puts the sane in mine.

Brittney and I have been best friends for as long as either of us can remember. Our moms are best friends and it has always been a given that we would be too. There's something powerful about a friend that knows everything you've been through and where you come from. I served as her MOH a couple of years ago. She just moved hours away from me, which has made the wedding planning different without her. . .

I think everyone should have a friend like Tabitha. She's my encourager and helps me find perspective when I start to get too bent out of shape. I served as her support system through beauty pageants and her wedding now it's her turn! Brittney, Tabitha, and I made our own club in the second grade: BLT and have been best friends ever since. Tabitha will be a doctor of pharmacy by the wedding!

Rachel is B's 13 year old sister. After four boys in B's family Rachel came along as the only girl. She's fabulous, crafty, and teaches me something new every time we're around one another. I get to share my love of American Girl with her and am so proud to watch her grow up.
Was chosing your BM's an easy choice?
Coming soon: BM's Little Black Dress
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