(picture of our ceremony venue in the weekend snow)
Sorry I've been MIA lately. I was snowed in for the long weekend at our summer home without Internet with B. Now, I'm not complaining we got lots of R & R. We were able to be "real young people" and get out of our small town for the weekend so that was one of the best parts. I admit I took advantage and had a Starbucks run!
In addition to getting out of town for the weekend we also planned to meet with a potential photographer. I had contacted the photographer right after we got engaged to see if she was available for our date. She was and we agreed to schedule a meeting in January. So, earlier this month I began contacting her. . . okay close to online harassment because I hadn't heard back from her. She is an acquaintance who used to work our college and is now a professional photographer so I thought she would be a great choice.
Wrong! After over a week of trying to get in touch and set up a meeting. . . on her home turf. . . she emailed me back and told me Sunday would be great to meet, she was still available for our date, and I just need to pick a time and place for the meeting. I instantly returned her message and waited. . . and waited. . . and waited for a response. Finally on Sunday morning she responded and told me her message to me had gotten saved in her drafts and never sent and now she had the flu and could not meet.
I understand sickness and even the email mistake, but after trying to get a response from her for over a week and those strikes I've decided she's not the one for us. Photography is so important to B and I that I can't have someone who's not professional from the start.
Have you had trouble with potential vendors? What did you do?
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