Saturday, July 26, 2008
Mardi Gras Masks and the Fold, Part 2
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mardi Gras Masks and the Fold, Part 1
None of us really had a lot of money for a huge bash, so we chose to spend our budget on some fun bach finds from Party City.

Tragic Gifts, Gracious Brides

image source
So, as any good bride would do, I ripped into my fabulous package. What I found there...I wasn't quite expecting. It was a green box with the words "Faerie Glen" scribed on it. Now, the bachelorette is not much of a fairy girl, much less a fAErie girl, and neither am I. So I was a bit surprised. Thinking perhaps this was just a repurposed box, I proceeded to open it. As I did so, the bachelorette and her mother both burst out laughing and proceeded to tell me that this was a gift she had received at a shower the previous weekend. Luckily for her, the gift-giver was not at the shower. The bride and groom (it was a couple's shower) burst out laughing (and tears, in the groom's case) at the sight of this gift:

image source
Somewhere out there a bride collects these faerie statues. I am not such a bride. It turns out, this gift was a test to see how I would handle receiving an unfortunate gift at a shower. I smiled and said, "Thank you, it's LOVELY!"
Evidently that was enough to pass the test.
What has been your most unfortunate wedding gift?
Rules of Engagement
Love's rules for engagement:
Disclaimer: These are simply my rules for engagement and are certainly not universal.
- The engagement cannot come on my birthday, holiday, our anniversary. It cannot replace a gift that would be otherwise purchased.
I wear a crown on my birthday. That day is already special and so are holidays. I don't want my engagement to be on a day that is already special. For me, holiday engagements are predictable. Both of my best friends got engaged over Christmas and it was wonderful for them, but it's not for me.
- No proposal over the Jumbo Tron, on the Today show, on any 50-yard line, pitcher's mound, or center court.
I can be a very out there with my feelings and a very "public person," but I don't want my proposal to come in front of thousands of others. There's something very personal about asking to spend the rest of your life with someone that I think could be very different if that request came with thousands looking on.
- I must be in an English speaking country, close to a phone, or friends and family to immediately share my exciting news!
I know I just said that I didn't want to be in front of a lot of people, but I also don't want to be on a deserted island and unable to share my good news. I am a bridesmaid in August for a couple who got engaged in front of the Eiffel tower (I promise to tell their story soon). As romantic as their story is it's not for me. As an English only speaking woman I can't imagine roaming the streets of Paris simply pointing to my finger unable to relay my excitement in French to those around or be near my friends and family to show off my new bling. I want my moment to be personal, but I also want to be able to share my news!
- The proposal must come on one knee.
Call me old fashioned, but I've dreamt of the moment when my future husband will get one one knee, take my hand, and request that I spend the rest of my life with him. It's on my list.
These are my rules for engagement. What are yours?
The face of being engaged is changing. It's a legal promise now: Jilted bride calls $150,000 jury award ‘justice’
--LoveMonday, July 21, 2008
Save My Date, Dangit!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's Back!
If you missed out on season 1, it's time you joined in for season 2. Watch as brides search for "the one" (dress, that is) in one of Manhattan's most exclusive and fabulous bridal salons: Kleinfeld. These aren't buy-it-off-the-rack dresses, either. Kleinfeld offers the ultimate in couture. Whether you're looking to spend five grand on your dress, or you just wish you could, this is a show you won't want to miss! Enjoy!
Monday, July 14, 2008
"If you want complete control...
I'm sure every couple who has had someone other than themselves footing any or all of the bill for their wedding has heard this at least a hundred times. Chalk up Time #1 for Amore' & C tonight. The issue in question: Meeting with the Church's wedding coordinator for the first time.
C works at the church that he & I are getting married in. We've both grown up in this church, and we're excited to exchange vows there. Since C works there, he & I have decided that all things church-related (that is, scheduling, our reception location options, etc) will all fall to C. He's perfectly capable of handling such things, and, let's faces, he's got friends in High Places.
Enter the first meeting with the church's wedding coordinator. C & I opted not to hire a wedding coordinator, but the church has one on staff to make sure things go smoothly and to act as a liaison between the church and the couple. C & I have yet to meet with the coordinator due to scheduling. We have our first meeting with her tomorrow. I imagine that we'll talk about the ceremony, our big ideas, where we'll have the reception, if it's possible to have it at the church in the location we want, etc. Should be a short, casual, let's get started meeting.
Now, Enter MOB, stage right. MOB, C & I are all going to visit caterer #1 tomorrow. So MOB asks if she can come to the meeting with the coordinator. I tell her, as politely as I can, that C & I want our first meeting to be just with the two of us. Cue "If you want complete control..." line. Cue giant exasperated sigh from the bride-to-be (I've never called myself that before! I like it!)
In my head, we're not making any decisions tomorrow, so it's not even necessary for MOB to be there. We're just chatting about what we want, and I'd like to give C the chance to talk. He barely gets a word in edgewise with me around, and he's got a snowball's chance if MOB & I are both there. I'm not trying to deny her any decision-making. I'm not going to sign her up to pay for lots of things we can't afford. I just want my fiance' & my first meeting with the wedding coordinator to be something that we do together--and alone.
Mom just came into my room (I'm still living at home, or rather, living at home again, after being away for college for 4 years) and assured me that she's ok with C & I meeting with the coordinator by ourselves. I hope for all of us that she means it.
When was your first who's-paying-for-what tiff?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
May Afternoon
We will be using navy, a lighter blue (called "Marine" at David's Bridal) a clover/sage-y green, yellow & white.
I created this color palette at ColourLovers. But be's addictive!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The best toast ever. Ever.
Calling it a toast simply doesn't do it justice. It's a production! Amore and I have a mutual friend, MM, and this is certainly the kind of "production" we expect at her wedding someday.
The video is a little slow getting started, but believe me it's worth it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Meet Love . . .
First, I should warn you that I'm not planning my actual wedding now. I won't be buying my shoes anytime soon. I'm not married or engaged. I am simply wedding and planning obsessed. I have been in a serious relationship for the past nine months with B.
In fact, my current job is scheduler for a statewide political campaign. I spend my days planning someone else's schedule and events (that have recently resembled a wedding reception--only celebrating the Democratic party instead of marriage). I have a massive wedding file already saved that's ready for when I am.
Yes, my current status is that I'm not ready for marriage. I love weddings, but I realize that although I'm very much in love with B I simply am not ready for a marriage of my own (although his mother is ready for ours). Somehow, in my mind, I can separate the wedding planning from the need for marriage in my near future. I am not in a hurry. I want to get married very much someday, but I realize that day is not today or tomorrow or the next. . . .
I am also a professional bridesmaid. Nearly all of my closet friends are married and I have been blessed to share with them on their special days. I have a closet full of dresses and swear that 27 Dresses is the movie of my life (I'm not quite at 27 yet, but I'm still collecting dresses). For now I am content with playing the supporting actress in weddings.
So I'm here to offer thoughts from my perspective (which is often very different from Amore's). I won't be purchasing a wedding dress, but I promise I'll look.
My first official wedding purchase: SHOES!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Amore' and Her Other Half
We met in high school. Our parents have been friends for 16 or 17 years. We didn't get to know each other, though, until we were both in the senior high youth group at our church. We went to the same school, and C would start to show up near my locker between class changes. He was a sweet guy, even if he was a freshman. We became good friends, and though I got the impression that he liked me, I was scared off by the fact that I was a junior and he was a freshman. Roll another school year over, and in October of my senior year, my girlfriends trapped me for a relationship intervention. Though I bold-face lied to them about my feelings for C, they saw right through me (they always do!). Soon, they had me confessing my feelings for him, and before I got out of the driveway that night one had called C to tell him that I, indeed, "liked" him. (Can I get an "Amen" that we're not in high school anymore?!)
Within a week we had our first date (and first kiss). The rest, I suppose, is history. I went away to college the next August. We spent four academic years in a long-distance relationship. While we tried to see each other every couple of weeks, schedules often forced us to wait up to four weeks between visits. That may not seem like a big deal, and I know couples have spent much longer durations apart, but it was tough.
Finally, in May of 2008, I graduated, and moved home to be near the love of my life. We'd been talking marriage for years at this point, but we knew we were really getting close to the big day. We set a date before he proposed, and we even booked the church! He insisted every time I asked that he hadn't had time to get to the jewelry store yet, so I sat waiting, sure it would take weeks to get a ring sized down to my tiny 4 ring finger.
After C had been gone for a week, he took me to dinner. I, of course, harassed him about going to the jewelry store, and he apologized for not having time to get there yet. After dinner, he suggested wandering around one of the many beautiful parks in West Knoxville. Though it was hot, we decided to investigate some new piers at a park near my house. Out on one of the piers, I was staring at the water when I felt a tap on my hand. When I turned around, C was on one knee with a ring box in hand. He asked me to marry him. I cried and said yes!
We told our parents, my sister, and then began a long night of calling our friends and relatives. I was actually going to be able to plan a real wedding! Talk about bliss...

C&A in November of 2003. We'd been dating for a little over a month. Look how little!